Welcome to TGCP

TGCP is an organization that aims to bring fundemental eduction to third world countries. We believe that every child has a righ to recieve education, and with so many depleted from the right, TGCP has been founded with hope to help them and make a better world. If you have a warm heart, please join TGCP! TO join, you can simply send an e-mail bambicuty@hanmail.net Thank you!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

About Cambodia

Hello, this is Margaret and from now on I am going to give a weekly report about Cambodia.

Being located in the tropical zone north of the equator, Cambodia has a monsoon climate. Monsoon season runs May - November, stretching from November/December - April. Immediately after the monsoon, the blanketing green of the countryside can be stunningly beautiful. In the north, winters are generally colder, while throughout most of the country temperatures remain fairly constant. The average year-round temperature in Cambodia is 27.7C (the highest monthly average being 35C, the lowest monthly average being 21C). There is often seasonal flooding in Phnom Penh and the rest of Cambodia in late July and early August. At the peak of the wet season it can rain as often as two in every three days.
Thank you

Saturday, 8 October 2011

TGCP Eco campaign

The Global Children Project의
ECO Campaign
하얀 털이 특징인 크림 고슴도치
꼭 인형 같이 귀여운 하프 물범
쿵후 팬더의 주인공 팬더
상어로부터 사람을 구한 일이 종종 있는 물속의 수호신 라와디 돌고래
이들의 공통점은 무엇일까요?
바로 멸종 위기에 처한 동물들입니다.
얼음이 녹고, 정글이 나무 없는 속살을 보이면서, 이들은 하나 둘씩 죽어가고 있습니다.
사람들이 파괴한 환경이 만들어낸 비극, 우리가 할 일은 정녕 없을까요?
예를 들면 종이컵!
우리나라에서는 일 년에 약 120억 개의 종이컵이 사용됩니다.
이 종이컵들을 만들기 위해 어마어마한 양의 나무가 베어집니다.
또한 종이컵을 만들며 발생되는 우리나라의 이산화탄소는 13만 2000톤
이만큼의 이산화탄소를 없애기 위해 필요한 나무는 일 년에 4,725 그루
그리고 이 종이컵들을 만드는 것에 드는 비용은 매년 약 1000억
또 종이컵을 소각처리나 매립할 때 드는 비용 매년 60억!
그럼 우리는 무엇을 해야 할까요?
바로 정답은 개인컵과 올바른 재활용 입니다
우리가 종이컵을 사용하지 않는다면 수많은 나무를 구할 수 있고,
그 비용으로 세계를 위한 많은 일을 할 수 있습니다.
종이컵은 코팅을 벗겨야만 다시 재활용 할 수 있습니다.
그러므로, 종이컵은 종이컵끼리 따로 모아서 버려야만 합니다.
또한 학교에서 나눠주는 안내장을 본 후에는 연습장으로 씁시다!
노트와 수첩, 다이어리 등은 끝까지 다 사용합시다!
우리가 시작한 일 우리가 끝내야 합니다.
오늘도 동물들은 기다립니다.
사람들이 깨닫기를
우리와 동물들의 미래, 오늘 우리가 지킵시다!!

With our society stressed by the sickening environment, The Global Children Project have made an Eco campaign that encourages people to be more aware and alert of our current state of the environment. The first project done by the Eco campaign is to reduce the use of paper cups. In the process of manufacturing the paper cups a lot of money is costed and as timber is the staple source for the paper cup, a lot of logging should be done, clearing out the trees. By not using the paper cups, the money that is usually spent on the cups could be used to fund environmental institutions. Also, trees, indispensible for the ecosystem would be saved. The former Korean writing, which gives detailed information about the paper cups, was first distributed to the students in Seong Won Elementary school, in Chun Cheon. In the future, our organization is planning to spread the campaign to other schools.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A new book-Debate guide for Rookies

A new book has been published by my sister, Sarah, which is 'Debate guides for Rookies" The book aims to convey the tactics and methods in debating to the new debate learners, the rookies. The book is currently being sold at the cost of ten thosand Won in a few bookstores. All proceeds from the book is to be donated to the TGCP, as mentioned on the back of the book. If you are interested in getting the book, please let me know by contacting me by this email address bambicuty@hanmail.net
Thank you