Welcome to TGCP

TGCP is an organization that aims to bring fundemental eduction to third world countries. We believe that every child has a righ to recieve education, and with so many depleted from the right, TGCP has been founded with hope to help them and make a better world. If you have a warm heart, please join TGCP! TO join, you can simply send an e-mail bambicuty@hanmail.net Thank you!

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Flea Market at Sung Won Elementary School in Chun-Cheon, Korea

안녕하세요, 안규원입니다!
오늘 성원초등학교에서 '성원 사랑의 나눔 연말 행사' 가 있었습니다. 전교어린이회장단 주체로 이루어진 바자회는 각 학급에서 이웃돕기 물품을 수집하여 그 수익금을 어려운 이웃들에게 나눠드리는 목적으로 열렸습니다. 이 날 많은 친구들이 책과 학용품, 장난감, 티셔츠  등 여러 가지 물품을 구입하며 바자회에 동참하였습니다. 수익금은, 사랑의 연탄 나눔기관, 경로단체, 그리고 제 3 세계 어린이 돕기에 사용될 것입니다. 번거로움에도 불구하고 저희의 바자회를 지지해 주신 교장선생님과 도와주신 많은 선생님들, 어머님들께도 감사드리며, 이 행사가, 우리가 졸업한 후에도 후배들에게 계속되면서, 이웃사랑을 실천할 수 있게 되면 좋겠습니다!

Hello, this is Margaret
Today TGCP and Sung Won Elementary school held a flea market for the underprivileged neighbourhood and for the children in the third world countries. For weeks the School Community Students and some of the TGCP members (who attend the school) did hard work making plans and collecting the stuffs. Many students handed in stationary, books, toys and stuffed animals. I thank the principal of Sung Won elementary school for supporting the flea market and also want to thank all the students of Sung Won elementary school, and the mothers who helped this event to really happen. Thank you all!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

책 구입을 통해 기부를 해 주신 분들께 감사드립니다!

안녕하세요, TGCP의 안규원 입니다.
많은 분들이 책을 주문해 주셔서 감사드립니다. 보내주신 책 값은, 배송료를 제외한 전액이 TGCP를 통해 캄보디아의 학교에 기부될 것입니다. 여러분들의 관심과 도움이, 책을 쓴 저희들에게 격려가 될 뿐 아니라, 지구 저 편의 가난한 어린이들에게 삶의 희망과 용기가 된다는 것을 기억해 주셔요! 우리가 살고 있는 이 세상을 이끄는 것이, 기술과 문명처럼 보이지만, 실은, 우리의 세상을 유지시키는 것은 사랑과 나눔이라고 저희는 믿고 있습니다. 우리의 작은 정성과 손길로 세상을 더 아름답게 만들 수 있을 것입니다.

이미영님, 김은주님, 강은애님, 김영필님, 심소연님
전민자님, 조현정님, 안종대님, 김경희님, 김은진님
이진영님, 권종애님, 김창유님, 서양희님, 한명순님
윤보경님, 김인선님, 유미리님, 안정옥님, 재백이 어머님

블로그를 통해 책을 구매하는 것이 번거로우셨을 텐데도, 구매를 통해 기부에 동참해 주셔서 감사합니다!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

The First Donation of TGCP!

This is Margaret, the president of TGCP.

The Cambodia school to which TGCP will donate has been selected after cooperations with COPION international Cambodia team center.
The name of the school is KHCHEAY Primary School.
The school is standing in the rural part of the country where many underprivileged people reside-actually it is one of the poorest regions of the country.
The money we are sending would be used for the providence of textbooks and books. The school is short on text books this year because there had been a revision of the text books.
Now to give you specific details about the school...

KHCHEAY Primary School
Address: Khcheay Village, Romeang Thkol Commune, Svay Teab District, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia
Number of teachers :27
Number of students :626(elementary), 45(preschool)

As a start we will send 300,000 Won, which we have been earnd from the flee market and selling books.
Please let me know if you want any further descriptions and always be free to drop me a question at my email bambicuty@hanmail.net and I will be glad to answer it.
Below is the picture of the school and its pupils.
Thank you for everybody who helps to make this donation!!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Thank you for all the members of TGCP

Hello, this is Margaret, the president of TGCP.
Last Saturday we held the second meeting in Seoul.
(Details of meeting is in the writings of below)
Firstly I want to say thank you to all the members of TGCP for coming to the meeting and participating with full enthusiasm.
I also want to thank the two board members, Mr. Evan Hendrix and Mr. Stephen Gabb.Mr. Evan Hendrix had come all the way from Yong-In to Seoul for the meeting and he gave advice and encouragement to all the members. Mr. Stephen Gabb was unfortunately unable to come but he called the members and encouraged us all.
I would also want to thank Mr. Min of Highend academy who let us use the classroom for a meeting place.
Lastly, I thank all the parents who believed in us and supported us. We all love you!
I hope that members who couldn't come in the meeting would read the writing below for details of the meeting and be able to participate in the campaigns. I wish to see all the members of TGCP at the next meeting.
Remember, one individual would be too weak to bring a change, but we together can make the world a better place!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Advertisement video(2)

Hello, this is Iris. As I've said before, I think publicizing TGCP is important, so I made an another video. It's about TGCP's Eco-Campaign. Please spread it on as many websites and blogs as possible.

Advertisement Video

Hello, this is Iris.
I strongly believe that publicizing and advertising and letting people know about TGCP is very much important. Because of this, I created an advertisement video. Please spread this video on as many web-sites and blogs as possible. All of you are welcome to use this video in any use.

Reporting about England

Hello, this is Iris. I've established TGCP England, and I'll report about what is happening in England right now.

The Global Children in England

(They haven’t had an election yet, but they will hold an election for the president and the vice president on December 1th.)
The temporary president: Jaqueline Hastaway

-       TGCP England isn’t fully created yet, but there are about 40 members and they will hold the election soon. As soon as they hold the election, they will start to gather the donation money by having an art festival at their school.

Reporting from Canada

Hello, this is TGCP Canada's president Faith. Iris let me know about TGCP a few months ago, and I've been working to publicize it. I'll report about what is happening in Canada.

The Global Children in Canada

President: Faith Fitzpatrick
Vice president: Kiara Miles
Secretary: Taylor Florence
The number of members: 14 people
Where it is: In Vancouver

What we plan to do
-      We plan to hold a garage sale in the springtime at each of their houses, and at their school, Hammond Elementary. Also, TGCP Canada is cooperating with The Children of Hope. Moreover, TGCP Canada is branching to Toronto, Maple Ridge, and Quebec.

    I want to say greetings to all of the members, and I also say thank you to my friend Iris, for letting me know about TGCP, allowing me to become the Canadian president, and creating TGCP Canada and moreover, TGCP England.

The Second Meeting

Hello, this is Iris from Korea. I'm going to give you a broad view about what happend in our 2d meeting.

The Second Meeting of the Global Children Project
Date: November 5th, 2011
Place: Seoul Gangnam-gu “High End Academy”
Participation members: Maggie, Iris, Sydney, Gloria, Toby, John, Mr. H

Fundraising during Sep~Oct. 2011
Flee market at Sumusoup Library Oct. 29: 52,000 won (Maggie, Olivia, Iris, Sydney took part)
The book of Maggie “Evergreen”: 7700 X 26 = 200,200 won
Debate Guide for Rookies( Maggie’s sister) : 7000 X 42000 won
Total: 294,400 won

Tips for holding a Flee market
1.     It has to be under 5000 won.
2.     Do not try to sell old clothes.
How and Where to donate: Through Copion (http://www.copion.or.k/)
Every month, we’re going to send 50000 won~ 100000 won to Copion.
We will start sending the money starting in December. We will start by donating money for school supplies in Cambodia. We agreed that the donation money’s use will change every four months. For example, on the first donation; we will donate money to buy school supplies, on the second donation; we will donate money to buy stationary… and so on.
TGCP’s Bank Account
We were going to decide on the bank account number and the password, but John had a good idea. Because some of our parents have a lot of money in their bank account, we are going to use our parents’ bank account to save the TGCP money, to get more interest(이자).
Becoming Globalized
Countries that we will branch out: U.S, Spain, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Israel
Countries that we already branched out to: Canada, Singapore, and England
“Happy Race for Students in Cambodia”
-       We are going to hold a “three legged race”
-       People such as our friends and family will bet money on how far we will be able to run. The maximum amount of money is 1000 won, because we do not want to put any burden on them by requiring so much money.
-       We agreed that we will get together and hold the race at the same place: Seoul

“STICKER Campaign”
-       Gloria is capable of making and designing stickers. She will design stickers that have the TGCP and the Evergreen logo on it. One sticker will be sold for 50 won.

“Naver Happybean”
-       In the Korean portal site called “Naver”, there’s a donation program called “Happybean.”
A certain corporation would sponsor the happybeans. The happy beans are equal to money, and one happybean is equal to 100 won. We are thinking of asking Samsung to sponsor Happybeans for TGCP.

-       We are thinking of asking broadcasting companies or corporations to donate money to TGCP. The reason that we think that this will be successful is that because we are thirteen and this is special. Our name, “The Global Children” allows people to know that we don’t only work in Korea, but all over the world.

President: Margaret
Vice president: John
Chun Cheon’s president: Iris
Chun Cheon’s vice president: Sydney
Seoul’s president: Toby

Eco Campaign
-       Toby and John would hand out the paper to the class presidents at their schools.
(For other information, please look at the Eco-Campaign page in www.tgcproject.blogspot.com)

Registering as a legal organization
1.     It needs 100 members
2.     Every year, we have to prove that we did something worthy.
(However, registering as a youth organization and registering as a regular organization is a little different, so we’re still looking into it.)

-       I would also like to say special thanks to Mr. H for being with us, and coming all the from Yong-in to help us run the meeting.