Welcome to TGCP

TGCP is an organization that aims to bring fundemental eduction to third world countries. We believe that every child has a righ to recieve education, and with so many depleted from the right, TGCP has been founded with hope to help them and make a better world. If you have a warm heart, please join TGCP! TO join, you can simply send an e-mail bambicuty@hanmail.net Thank you!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The first meeting

On August 21th 2011 The Global Children had the first meeting at one p. m in Seoul, Geong Bok elementary school. The following members -Vanessa, Clara, William, Olivia , John and I, Maggie, were able to attend it.  With the help of one of our board member, Mr. Evan Hendricks the meeting had discussed of how getting donations should be carried out. For the money part, we divided it into two categories, of the individual and the schools. For the individual part we decided to get money from nearby people first, by making a fuzzy list. The least amount of money we would be collecting will be ten man won. Then, for the schools we have decided to collect T-shirts from local schools and sell them, which is a form of an investment. To persuade the students to give us their T-shirts we have to make the students into one. So we are going to make speeches and hang posters on the walls, with the permission of the principal. Also, we would be going around classrooms to meet teachers and tell them more about our organization , and to get their advice and help by getting a chance to speak in front of their classroom to the students.  The first act was carried out on August 24th 2011, starting from Chun Cheon Seong won elementary school.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but I want to know when will the T shitrt sale will be. According to the word of our school's secretary 신정선, we can't be sure when it will be held, because we cannot can't get a lot of mother volunteers. Moreover, I do not think the T-shirt sale will be a huge success.
    The reason is no T shirts were sold at our apartment's flee market. What about selling stuff like school supplies, or dolls??
