Welcome to TGCP

TGCP is an organization that aims to bring fundemental eduction to third world countries. We believe that every child has a righ to recieve education, and with so many depleted from the right, TGCP has been founded with hope to help them and make a better world. If you have a warm heart, please join TGCP! TO join, you can simply send an e-mail bambicuty@hanmail.net Thank you!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

2011, 11/18 ~ 2012, 1/8 까지 책 구입으로 기부를 해 주신 분들입니다!

많은 분들이 책을 구매해 주심으로써 기부를 해 주셨습니다.
블로그를 보고, 메일을 주고 받아야 하기 때문에 많이 귀찮은 일인데도, 이렇게 구매를 해 주셔서 정말 감사드립니다. 여러분께서 보내주신 책 값은, 배송료를 제외한 전액이 캄보디아 학교로 보내집니다. 우리의 작은 관심과 정성이 이 지구에 살고 있는 누군가에게는 큰 기쁨과 희망과 꿈이 될 수도 있다는 것을 기억해 주세요! 그리고, 저희 TGCP의 '전기뱀파이어 퇴치 운동'에도 참가해 주시고, 환경부에서 하고 있는 '탄소포인트제'에도 참가해 주세요. 우리의 힘을 모은다면, 세상을 바꿀 수 있을 것입니다!!!

이연엽, 조을희, 이채린, 김수연, 이형선, 이강록, 천현숙, 최정길, 이옥연, 김민재, 이지은, 최현옥, 김진웅, 김병국, 박지영, 김민정, 엄도희, 박정윤, 안지민, 최민웅, 김동선

다시 한번 감사드립니다. ^^

Saturday, 7 January 2012

The Great Catch Scheme for The Power Vampire

-A Way to Save The Environment-
Ahn Kyu Won
     Vampires-they are known as the mysterious human predators that suck the living's blood. And power vampires is a vampire known to suck electricity and life out of the environment through tools known as plugs, of unused devices. A typical everyday citizen, upon hearing such words would only think, 'It may be a problem, but what big difference will it make for the environment even if I plucked my plugs? There are 70 billion people out there, and they can do it.' The problem is here. Yes, there are 70 billion people, but ironically, the majority has equivalent thoughts to the former lines.
      Right now, as you read this, thirty million electronic devices are wasting 3.66W per day. In other words, one power plant is churning on for wasted electricity. Seen by a broader picture, from a nationwide 1,500thousand households, 5000million won is being poured out on power vampires. Especially nowadays, the era of the home network system, the amount of power vampire rises along with the rise of such networks. The waste is huge, both environmentally and economically, and according to the International Energy Association,(IEA) it announced that if Korea goes on this rate, by 2020, it will not be power vampire any more, but will be the Power eating Hippo instead.
      With the problem becoming more and more serious, a member of the TUNZA ICC came up with a campaign, called 'pluck the plugs', aiming to spread the meaning of the term, 'Power Vampire' and trying to stigmatize people to unpluck the plugs. The campaign wrote interesting articles to attract people and posted it on the TGCP blog(an organization for students) and on Sung Wong elementary school's website. Then, the campaign made check sheets, for the people to check the days when they unplucked the plugs, and how they feel about it. For exact statistics, the check sheets was distributed to students to attend for 2 months. Also, the campaign spread the check sheets around the neighbourhood and to students of other regions through the blogger.
'Pluck The Plugs' say "Many over look plucking the plugs as a mere chore, but I want people to think around. Just the tiny movement, the flick of the arm with a small heart of care, can lift the curtains of the gloomy problem. This campaign will help people to be more friendly with the idea and with the aid of the check sheet, people will be accustomed to unplucking the plugs." For future plans, the campaign decided to focus more on spreading the act by connecting on other sites such as the 'Carbon Save Pointv System' and 'The International Environment Group'.
      Electronics have become a part of our lives, the essential tools for a living. But let us not let those tools to destroy our mother nature! Let us unpluck the plugs and become the saviour of the environment!

(It's the article I sent to Korea Times as a junior journalist.)

지구를 살리는 '탄소 포인트제'

탄소 포인트제를 알고 계신가요?
탄소 포인트제 란 가정에서 전기, 수도, 가스 등의 사용량을 줄이면, 그 줄인 양만큼 감소된 온실가스의 양을 계산하여 탄소포인트를 발급하고, 나중에 포인트에 맞는 인센티브를 제공하는 전 국민 온실가스 감축 실천프로그램입니다.
인센티브는 지자체마다 다르지만 보통, 현금, 교통카드, 상품권, 쓰레기봉투, 기념품 등입니다. 제가 살고 있는 춘천지역에서는 현재 2천여 가구가 참여하고 있고, 그 중 860여 가구가 지난 10월 이후 올 6월까지 21만 킬로와트를 절감하여 91톤의 이산화탄소를 감축하였다고 합니다. 탄소 포인트 제는, www.cpoint.or.kr 에서 신청가능하구요, 회원가입한 후 신청만 하면 됩니다.
특히, 요즘은 추운날씨로 전력사용이 급증하여 전기에너지감축이 꼭 필요한 때입니다. 이럴 때 탄소 포인트제에 참가하여, 에너지도 아끼고, 인센티브도 받고, 지구도 살리고!!! 참 좋은 일이죠? (이렇게 받은 인센티브를 또 기부까지 한다면, 더 좋은 일이겠네요! ^^)

Monday, 2 January 2012

The Start of Something New

-The 1st International Teens' Rights Public Forum-    

        As a new year dawns, it does not only bring us to a new page of the calender but also brings new things to look forward to, and to plan for. While many have their own plans to greet the year, participating in The First International Teens' Rights Public Forum could be just the right start for the new year, 2012.
        The First International Teens' Rights Public Forum is hosted by Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy, on the sixteenth of January, 2012 with 150 participants and guest speakers from the UN and NGO. Its goal is to spread the importance of human rights and to bring human rights to those suffering teens who are depleted from them. It could sound like any typical forum but there is something special that makes it stand out from all the others. It is that the whole forum is planned, progressed and directed by young teens themselves, age raging from 13 to 24.
        The teens meet up together once a week to work out all the specific details, such as setting the date, funding the money needed, and inviting the professional speakers. They also do heated debates when trying to adjust plans to the point of full satisfaction of the participants. As they talk feverishly, forgetting even to take their meals, it shows how passionate they are in their act of bringing human rights into our society and helping the underprivileged neighbors in our community. If anyone is doubtful about teens working without the help of adults, he or she can just listen to the Son Seung Woo, the president of the preparation committee - 'In our society, there are so many stereotypes against the young teens that it is hard for them to show their voice to the public. This forum, which is directed and made by the teens will give the teens an opportunity to share their thoughts with the world.'
        The forum's main topic is 'Education' and 'Discrimination' and it is subdivided into six categories: 'The True Meaning of Education', 'Self Directing Progress', 'The Culture of Recreation', 'North Korean families', and 'The underprivileged'. The participants would give presentations of one specific topic and discuss the issue with professionals, and question and answer time will be followed.
That's not all. The forum provides all the participants with a series of lectures on the topics for free, three times before the main forum, so as to give further information and knowledge on the issues and to encourage more active discussion.  In addition, for those who cannot afford to join due to the entry fee, the forum will grant scholarships, relieving the underprivileged teens economic concerns.
        Through the forum, many will learn about human rights and will be able to attain more concrete ideas what we can do to help our society to regain them. The forum will affect and inspire many people, especially young adults and teenagers, nurturing the precious virtues in their hearts. Even after the forum, it is expected that the voice of the teens will still be able to be heard from the society and be appreciated. And this can be the start of something new.

Reported by Ahn Kyu Won