Welcome to TGCP

TGCP is an organization that aims to bring fundemental eduction to third world countries. We believe that every child has a righ to recieve education, and with so many depleted from the right, TGCP has been founded with hope to help them and make a better world. If you have a warm heart, please join TGCP! TO join, you can simply send an e-mail bambicuty@hanmail.net Thank you!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

The Great Catch Scheme for The Power Vampire

-A Way to Save The Environment-
Ahn Kyu Won
     Vampires-they are known as the mysterious human predators that suck the living's blood. And power vampires is a vampire known to suck electricity and life out of the environment through tools known as plugs, of unused devices. A typical everyday citizen, upon hearing such words would only think, 'It may be a problem, but what big difference will it make for the environment even if I plucked my plugs? There are 70 billion people out there, and they can do it.' The problem is here. Yes, there are 70 billion people, but ironically, the majority has equivalent thoughts to the former lines.
      Right now, as you read this, thirty million electronic devices are wasting 3.66W per day. In other words, one power plant is churning on for wasted electricity. Seen by a broader picture, from a nationwide 1,500thousand households, 5000million won is being poured out on power vampires. Especially nowadays, the era of the home network system, the amount of power vampire rises along with the rise of such networks. The waste is huge, both environmentally and economically, and according to the International Energy Association,(IEA) it announced that if Korea goes on this rate, by 2020, it will not be power vampire any more, but will be the Power eating Hippo instead.
      With the problem becoming more and more serious, a member of the TUNZA ICC came up with a campaign, called 'pluck the plugs', aiming to spread the meaning of the term, 'Power Vampire' and trying to stigmatize people to unpluck the plugs. The campaign wrote interesting articles to attract people and posted it on the TGCP blog(an organization for students) and on Sung Wong elementary school's website. Then, the campaign made check sheets, for the people to check the days when they unplucked the plugs, and how they feel about it. For exact statistics, the check sheets was distributed to students to attend for 2 months. Also, the campaign spread the check sheets around the neighbourhood and to students of other regions through the blogger.
'Pluck The Plugs' say "Many over look plucking the plugs as a mere chore, but I want people to think around. Just the tiny movement, the flick of the arm with a small heart of care, can lift the curtains of the gloomy problem. This campaign will help people to be more friendly with the idea and with the aid of the check sheet, people will be accustomed to unplucking the plugs." For future plans, the campaign decided to focus more on spreading the act by connecting on other sites such as the 'Carbon Save Pointv System' and 'The International Environment Group'.
      Electronics have become a part of our lives, the essential tools for a living. But let us not let those tools to destroy our mother nature! Let us unpluck the plugs and become the saviour of the environment!

(It's the article I sent to Korea Times as a junior journalist.)

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